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TWO REVIEW - poetry and literature journal

size: 13,5 x 21,0 cm  - 60 pages  - Cold Press Edition, Ancourage, Alaska, USA - december 2007 -code: ISBN 0-9801635-5-2

We are pleased to have had an opportunity to feature your work and are excited to now share it with others. For us, your photograph is intriguing because the face of the woman in the picture seems split into two halves: one half is young, hopeful, energetic, and the other appears older, tired, and perhaps worn down from years of living.

We are also struck by the intensity with which she looks into the camera, or in our case, into the eyes of whoever holds the journal. There is much to consider in this captivating, beautiful image, and we think it is perfect as the cover of our journal.

The works we have selected for publication are especially unique in our eyes, as each one stood out among the many we reviewed. Sixteen American states are represented. We believe you are in excellent company, and hope you are pleased with the overall presentation of your work.


The journal will be featured  at select independent booksellers in Alaska, Seattle, San Francisco, Iowa, Portland, New York, Vermont, Connecticut, and Rhode Island. Copies are also being submitted to national poetry centers Thank you for being a part of the first issue of Two Review! 

Jeremy Edward Shiok  - Anchorage (USA) 

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